What to listen for:
The time has come, once again, for Stupid Question Day! Of course, there are no stupid questions. In fact, The Dames of Detection - Robin Greubel, Stacy Barnett, and Crystal Wing - were very impressed with this round of questions!
Key Topics (Questions):
How do you guys manage to do everything you do and still train your own dogs? (02:21)
If you could do any dog sport you've never trained in before, what would it be? (08:28)
Does it affect your dog's scent working, sourcing ability if their whiskers are shaven? (10:52)
If you use a trained final response, like a down/sit, how do dogs indicate a high hide? (14:41)
Is there a best practice or pros and cons of single versus dual sent trained canines? (16:58)
Pros and Cons of Cross Training Scent Sports. (24:38)
Training Considerations for Dogs Who Both Track and Do Nosework (27:12)
Can your hunt test dog also be trained and certified in search and rescue? (35:19)
Moving Through the Shoulds and Should Nots (38:18)
Are there any trainers that you know that do a paid internship? (44:31)
Leaving Dogs in Vehicles While at Seminars (45:11)
Figuring Out What Boxes We’re In, to then Get Out (49:19)
Takeaways (51:09)
Stacy's Classes:
NW120 Introduction to NW Search Elements: https://www.fenzidogsportsacademy.com/index.php/courses/14306
NW230: Polishing Skills for NW2 and NW3: https://www.fenzidogsportsacademy.com/index.php/courses/4843
NW445: Rising to the Nosework Challenge: 6 weeks of Setups: https://www.fenzidogsportsacademy.com/index.php/courses/31920
We want to hear from you:
Check out the K9 Detection Collaborative FB page and comment on the episode post!
K9Sensus Foundation can be found on Facebook and Instagram. We have a Trainer’s Group on Facebook!
Scentsabilities Nosework is also on Facebook. Here is a Facebook group you should join!
Crystal Wing K9 Coach can be found here at CB K9 and here at Evolution Working Dog Club. Also, check out her Functional Obedience Class here.
You can follow us for notifications of upcoming episodes, find us at k9detectioncollaborative.com to enjoy the freebies, and tell your friends so you can keep the conversations going.
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